eProcessManager® - Integrating Governance, 
Compliance, Risk Management and Performance through Process Design

"Governance, Risk, Performance and Compliance aligned through Process Management"

The eProcessManager® Suite is a revolutionary risk, performance and compliance based management solution that allows businesses to design, document, execute and monitor their business strategies down to the process by aligning, integrating and analyzing six main business principles considered the:

"The Business Control Environment"

The GRC Framework

Company Vision, Mission, Values and Governance Principles

Where is your company heading and what does your organization stand for today? The foundation to any business is to understand where it is going and establish good governance principles that align to your values! ePM captures your vision and helps you design the organizational blue-print to get there.

Build the Organizational Strategy

Align the company’s strategic goals and objectives to the organization's vision. Build a "Goal Oriented Company". The entire management team will be able to align their processes thethe strategic objectives and move the organization toward the a common vision. We leverage the "Balanced Scorecard" to organize our goals to ensure they are balanced between financial, customer, internal innovation and employee orientations.

Key Business Cycles and Processes

Identify and document the key business cycles and processes. Establish cycle and process goals and objectives and align with strategic goals. Identify and align key resources including people and technology that support the process. Assess the risk of each process and identify the financial reporting, operational, compliance and strategic risk (COSO ERM Framework built in) it poses to the organization. Identify key control activities that will reduce or eliminate the risk.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Establish the organizational risk management policies and risk appetite by key impact elements and align to the business processes. Organize risks by COSO Framework Methodology, financial reporting, operational, governmental compliance and strategic categories. Built in risk assessments will help determine where management feels the risk is highest, and align a value proposition to improvement areas. Identify and improve existing and future control activities that will add the most value to the organization based on available resources.

Performance and Compliance Management

Identify and manage Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and Key Compliance Indicators (KCI’s) that can measure the effectiveness of your processes and controls and ensure they are aligned to the corporate objectives. Balanced Scorecards are then fully integrated into the organizations daily operational systems (ERP, Accounting, CRM, PR/HR Systems) to a provide reliable consistent view of of the business performance.

Continuous Improvement and Monitoring

Monitor and align your existing transactional systems with eProcessMonitor™ to ensure your process, performance and compliance initiatives are working effectively in alignment with the organizational strategy. Gain visibility of the real-time impact of what's going on in the control or performance environment. Easily design real-time control monitors or performance monitors ( Detective Controls) any time events happen of acceptable tolerance levels. Automate work-flow based on events and transactions that happen daily in your transactional systems.

Real-Time Corporate Management

The consistent results that eProcessManager® produces are clear increased revenues, reduced costs, and assurance industry/regulatory compliance is being maintained. The Enterprise Risk Management System ensures the organization’s strategic goals are in alignment with your vision and risk appetite.

The Organization's key processes are easily captured and improved by using our industry specific templates which includes many best practices by process. KPI’s are rolled into a digital dashboard allowing you to instantly monitor and analyze the progress of each goal. This allows continuous improvement by making any necessary adjustments to your goals, processes, and KPI’s.

Achieving these results is made possible by the eProcessManager® Suite comprised of eProcessManager®, eProcessMonitorTM, ePerformanceManagerTM, and ePerformanceDashboardTM - a Total Business Performance and Management Solution.

Client Comments

Obagi Medical Products, Inc.
Patricia Mentas, Director of Internal Audit

I am so thrilled that we are using eProcessManager® here at Obagi. It is making our jobs so much easier and more efficient across the board. Now all the process owners can take more accountability for their risks and controls, and are more involved in the SOX processes than ever before.
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